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Selection and maintenance of non-metallic valves

2023-06-12 17:08:26

Selection and maintenance of non-metallic valves

When selecting, it is necessary to choose different types of ceramic linings according to different media.

(1)When acid and alkali resistance is required, and the maximum operating temperature does not exceed 90°C, acid-resistant ceramics can be used as the lining.

(2)When acid and alkali resistance are required, resistance to sudden temperature changes is required, and the maximum operating temperature does not exceed 150°C, acid-resistant high-temperature ceramics can be used as the lining.

(3)When acid and alkali resistance is required, and the maximum operating temperature does not exceed 150°C, hard ceramics can be used as the lining.

(4)If resistance to hydrofluoric acid is required, calcium fluoride porcelain can be used as a lining.

(5)Acid and alkali resistance is required. When the maximum operating temperature exceeds 150°C and resistance to sudden temperature changes and high stress is required, mullite ceramics, 75% alumina ceramics, or 97% alumina ceramics can be used. The higher the alumina content, the better the performance, but it is more difficult and much more expensive to manufacture large valve parts.

Selection and maintenance of non-metallic valves-ceramic valves

During storage, transportation, and installation, attention should be paid to the following items.

(1)Ceramics are characterized by brittleness and fragility, which is a typical brittle material. Therefore, the common feature of storage and transportation is that they should be handled with care, and collisions and throwing are strictly prohibited to prevent loose packages and boxes.

(2)It is best to store indoors. When stacking outdoors unconditionally, you must choose a flat, solid, and water-free site. The bottom of the stack should be padded and have rain-proof measures. In winter, pay attention to waterproofing and anti-freezing to prevent repeated freezing and thawing. Afterward the ceramic cracked.

(3)According to the shape of the product, it can be stacked in the order of flat stacking or seam pressing, and stacked separately according to the variety, specification, and stacking. yellowing.

(4)The storage period is generally no more than two years, and the principle of first-in, first-out is grasped.

(5)Transportation requirements: The transportation must be packed in wooden boxes or foamed plastics, and the gaps in the boxes and baskets should be plugged tightly with foamed plastics. The stacking on the car should not be too high, and the corners and protruding parts as well as the gaps between the parts should be filled, and the car should be tied up with hemp rope after the car is full. It is strictly forbidden to throw when handling to prevent the product from breaking.

During installation and operation, special care should be taken to avoid excessive force, excessive force, or impact.

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